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Follow the Future of Public Health with these Socially Connected Public Health Professors on Twitter

While the term “public health” is likely to evoke thoughts of the health of a population, or of the outbreak of epidemic disease, the subject itself is frequently interdisciplinary, requiring research in sociology, political science, engineering and many other fields. Because public health refers to solving societal problems, the field often includes not only research and theory, but application of the learnings.

Professors involved in public health generally gear their classes and research toward public policy or politics, and they often act as experts and advocates about the issues they study, which can include the use of HIV treatments in sub-Saharan Africa as well as the impact of media on individuals during a disaster.

People on this list study not only how to cure the sick, but also how to prevent illness, improve the health system, and advocate for policy. The list features several faculty members at Johns Hopkins and Harvard universities as well as current or past advisors to the United Nations, United States Secretary of Health and Human Resources, and the World Health Organization.